Physical Branding

Physical branding

Looking for fresh physical identity for your business? We can do it!

Brand Era helps corporate companies achieve unique and impactful physical branding that reflects their values and showcases their products/services. Our expert team designs everything from logos to packaging, signage, and event branding. 


Physical marketing creates lasting impressions and connections through events, demos, or guerrilla tactics.


Tech enhances physical marketing with interactive displays, digital signs, AR/VR, mobile apps, and social media.


Physical marketing is still relevant and should be integrated with digital channels for maximum impact.


Technology simplifies scaling physical marketing through digital billboards, targeted ads, social media, and mobile tech.

What we do


Print Marketing

This includes newspapers, journals, posters, magazines, pamphlets, etc., for promotions and local advertisement. These prints offer daily news, classifieds, and interest-based periodicals, which earn revenue by promoting a product or service.

Outdoor Media

Outdoor media, such as billboards and transit ads, is a low-cost way to advertise. It can now include interactive features like QR codes and augmented reality. Digital outdoor media offers real-time content that can quickly change, making it effective for promoting brands.


Brand Era offers tailored broadcasting services for product launches, event promotions, and brand awareness using cutting-edge technology and a skilled team. Our aim is to build exceptional experiences that propel your brand forward.
direct mail

Direct Mail

We offer a physical print mail service, including brochures, pamphlets, and greeting cards, to engage potential clients. Our team tailors your campaign to capture attention and help achieve your marketing objectives.


Brand Era as an advertising agency creates impactful campaigns for clients to connect with their target audience. Exceptional customer service is our top priority, and we strive to exceed expectations.
vehicle printing

Vehicle Branding

We provide high-quality vehicle pasting services, including decals and wraps, using top-tier materials and equipment. Our experts offer flexible and affordable solutions that showcase your brand's message.

Your business deserves the best Physical Branding

Get a modern Physical identity for your brand!